8 Reasons to Partner with the Arts

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As today’s business landscape continues to shift, companies need talent that can respond to an ever-changing world of work. Participation in creative expression fosters and incubates the essential skills and leadership needed in today’s world. Innovation can be defined as applied creativity and partnering with arts organizations and artists unlocks pathways to that innovation.

Americans for the Arts believes that encouraging creative thinking, and leveraging creative expression through arts and business pARTnerships is essential for building healthy businesses and vibrant communities.

We’re pleased to offer our top reasons why businesses should partner with the arts.

Cultivate Diversity and Empathy

Partnering with the arts allows your employees, company and community to gain better understanding of diverse cultures and ideas and helps build an inclusive workforce.

Businesses need people and strategies that can respond to an ever-changing, complex world of work. Leveraging the arts to advance diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives creates a platform for connectivity and cohesiveness. Let us show you how.

Amplify Skills

The arts reveal and enhance the breadth of talent and creativity among employees and teams by cultivating the creative thinking skills your business needs.

When businesses partner with the arts they get more inspired and engaged employees. We've identified the best reasons why partnering with the arts helps recruit and retain talent. Let us show you how. 

Drive Innovation

The arts foster inspiration, empathy, and leadership — all which establish a platform to innovate in an ever-evolving economy.

When businesses partner with the arts they get more inspired and engaged employees. We’ve identified the best reasons why partnering with the arts helps recruit and retain talent. Let us show you how.

  • 63% of companies promote board service at arts organizations believing that such opportunities provide important talent development opportunities. – Business Contributions to the Arts: 2018 Edition
  • 60% agree that the  more creative and innovative they are at their job, the more successful they are in the workplace. - Americans Speak Out About the Arts 2018
  • 63% percent of employers who considered creative ability a primary concern in the hiring process preferred the creative employee over the technically skilled individual. - Ready to Innovate

Show Gratitude

The arts offer meaningful, enjoyable experiences and valuable benefits to your employees and their families.

When businesses partner with the arts they get more inspired and engaged employees. We’ve identified the best reasons why partnering with the arts helps recruit and retain talent. Let us show you how.

Set Your Business Apart

Leveraging a partnership with an artist/arts organization will help you communicate your company’s story by engaging customers and clients, conveying your unique values.

When businesses partner with the arts, they gain a competitive edge. We’ve identified the best reasons why partnering with the arts expands market share and creates a healthy workplace. Let us show you how.

Enliven the Workplace

The arts stimulate positive company culture and conversation, foster employee well-being, and inspire a healthier work environment through unique and meaningful experiences for human connection.

When businesses partner with the arts, they gain a competitive edge. We’ve identified the best reasons why partnering with the arts expands market share and creates a healthy workplace. Let us show you how.

Advance Civic and Social Priorities

Partnering with the arts fuels the economy, promotes health, wellness and safety, creates social cohesion and connectivity, and fosters civic engagement.

Businesses need communities where employees want to live and work. We’ve identified the best reasons why partnering with the arts contributes to economic vitality and thriving communities. Let us show you how. 

Enrich Community Life

The arts are essential to the development of a vibrant and diverse community in which the best employees want to live, work, shop, create, and contribute.

Businesses need communities where employees want to live and work. We’ve identified the best reasons why partnering with the arts contributes to economic vitality and thriving spaces. Let us show you how.